Monday, February 6, 2012


A friend told me recently something that really made me look at myself with a different point of view. It also made me look at the opposite sex in a alternative way.
My belief is that my whole surroundings and life are created with with intentions and manifestation. If i sit around and complain and focus on the negative, then more negative happens, and if i totally focus on all the positive and love my life and all the blessings i have, then more good comes of it.

I asked my friend if they where seeing anyone, and they responded. "not right now, i'm working on creating in my self what i want in a partner. "
That hit hard.

It makes total sense. To attract the right person and the best person possible for me, i have to create that in myself.
example being
if i want someone successful, i need to become successful.
if i want someone with who loves themselves and gives to others and is charming and thoughtful and beautiful and kind and sweet and loving and supportive and active and hikes and bikes and swims and surfs and loves the land and gardens and is creative and loves to travel and is strong and patient and a "do er" and helps the community and works out and prays and does ceremony and dances and drums and plays the guitar. and is mostly sober and has no addictions and is close to the Creator, and is finically stable and is open minded and is emotionally stable and is a conscious human being, and is stable and doesn't judge and plays and works hard and supports themselves and the people around them.
I have to be all those things.
and more
i cannot sit around and blame things on other people and judge the guys in my life. i have to work on myself :)
I <3 myself!

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