Thursday, March 22, 2012

Life Couching Homework with Tony Robbin's assistant coach.

Full Name*

Jenny Rose Heartsong


Esthetician, seamstress, life motivator and friend.

Marital Status*


What's going great in your life?*

I feel so blessed. I have amazing friends, a job i love, an amazing business opportunity. I live in paradise and get to swim in the ocean any time. I am well liked and very popular. I have beautiful people (on the inside and out) surrounding me giving me love and gravitate. I go snorkeling and swimming and hiking and camping often. I am blessed and have a healthy, strong and attractive body and have physical beauty. I have plentiful healthy and nutritious food around me all the time and company while i enjoy my food. i have plenty of clean water and air. i have religious freedom to pray how i want to. I have the right to be equal as a female in this country in the 21st century. I have the best friend in the world who i trust completely and we build each other up in many different types of ways. I have beautiful men complimenting me and enjoying my company. I have wonderful older woman around me giving me advise and being a support. I live in nature. I am safe. I am happy and i am ok with being honest and sharing my feelings. I feel emotionally supported.

What is the #1 Goal you would like to accomplish in the next 12 months?*

To become completely finically abundant.

What is the 2nd most important goal you would like to accomplish in the next 12 months?*

To fully grieve and let go of the past and move forward in my life for the better in every situation.

What is the 3rd most important goal you would like to accomplish in the next 12 months?*

To have a wonderful business (that is finically abundant) and enjoy my work in all aspects of my life.

What beliefs/fears are holding you back?*

My mother has severe cancer and is on her last amount of time on this world. I am putting a lot of my energy into her that i would be putting into a business or finical security. I have been working through my childhood and understanding why i have patterns that i do and i'm reprogramming myself so that i don't keep those negative patterns with me. And i have insecurities in my own knowledge of things and don't think i'm good enough to have my own business or for people to come to me as clients. That I'm too young and don't know enough about having a small business and that i'm not talented enough to do what i want to do. I also feel scared that because i'm spending so much time with my sick mother that i am going to be left behind in some of my social networking and opportunities. Im afraid of getting heart broken again and afraid to get close to anyone because of it.

Why do you want to accomplish these goals?*

To be less stressed and more confident in my future and my surroundings. So i can travel and reach my goals and so i can help support people in this world who have it worse than me.

What character qualities would you like to see in your coach?*

Someone who can keep me interested and not bored. SOmeone who when i'm done with the conversation i feel like i've learned something and i feel more motivated. and someone who can reach me at my level and work with me where i'm at.

What are you hoping to gain through Coaching?*

More positive inspiration and self confidence.

Additional Notes/Background

Since January of 2011 i have been struggling with the tug of war between my mother who has been dying of cancer and also being extremely negative and completely creating her own reality. not having any way of helping or changing her. No matter how hard i try and work and help, it's never good enough. I've been working very hard on reprogramming my patterns. I also have a serious issue with picking at my body which creates ache all over my body and scarring and i am trying soooo hard to quit and it hasn't happened...yet. i do notice i tend to pick more often while thinking about my mother and while driving in the car. I have gone through a lot of depression this past year and i sometimes find myself slipping back into that and i'm scared of being depressed because it took so much work to get where i am. And at the same time, i know i am stronger now that i was a year ago and can handle things with much more grace and confidence than i did before. I also got my heart broken for the first time this past summer along with being my super sick mother's caregiver. Both my grandmothers died around the same time. all within a few weeks/months. I grew up super super poor and i would like to change that poor reality around and become finically abundant and never have to worry about paying bills or not affording plane tickets for trips for me or my family. and i would love to be able to buy property soon in kauai. I would love to feel more secure in all aspects of my life. Including work, where i reside, relationships, finances and friendships.

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