so with all my travels and my experiences i've had friends say they are envious, and or jealous of my free spirit or where i am. and you know what? i'm going to be honest about that one.
It pisses me off.
Especially when single people whom have nothing holding them back, no children, no mortgages or anything of the such. I understand the whole student loans thing, but don't let them be a ball and chain around your ankle. You are only young ONCE! get the fuck out of your little bubble and go see the world! it's a beautiful place, we have planes and trains and cars and all the things we haven't in the past. I've heard some folks in the past complain about airplanes and how shitty it is to take a plane flight. and that's just silly, because you can freaking FLY! how amazing and exciting is that!?? it's pretty freaking rad i'd say :-)
just buy the ticket, and have a place to stay the first night, then trust. trust is a key factor in traveling. that things will work out exactly the way they need to. plans are usually pointless when traveling anyways because new adventures always pop up.
i know that the hardest part about traveling is actually getting out and doing it. once you have made that initial jump into the unknown you will most defiantly enjoy the ride to the fullest.
parents i know you don't want to see your children run off into the wild world, but encourage their travels to the fullest. because it helps them get life experience, mature, and find themselves in a much better way then a nine to five job in an office. and you will most likely be so proud of their travels in the end when they come home to you safe and sound.
the main thing that keeps most of you from not traveling is money, but guess what? money is everywhere. it's not as hard as you think to get it. it gets tricky when you are trying to travel and go to school. That's when help is useful. My mother has been helping me with that one. which i'm quite grateful for. thanks momma. love ya!
basically what i'm trying to say is, swallow your fear and go see the world. you're young, alive and free. finish school and go see the world! or if you're not in school...then what are you doing? working a job to pay your rent? are you happy? if not. please do something about it.
thanks for listening to my rants.
aloha and peace. <3
So far, this is my favorite post of yours. Keep it up!