Friday, December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

                           Fool Me Once,
                           Shame on You. 
                           Fool Me Twice, 
                               Shame on

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


this to be my new home!
please please please make it work out!
if it's the best for me.
omg i want it!

follow my post with possitivity.

I want to say that I am very greatful for all the help and all the people who have excepted me into their homes the past year. I am very greatful.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Island please have the perfect place pop up! I'm so sick of living in other people's places and spaces. I NEED my own space! I would love to live alone. For my own sanity I need a bed! and a closet and a bathroom and a kitchen of my OWN!
some little place on this planet i can call home. i haven't had that. and i NEED it! i'm going crazy! i need stability. i need a normal job and a schedule. the whole moving around thing all the time really gets hard after a whole freaking year!
i would be having this problem any place that i would go though. so it's not hawaiis fault.
please please please please please!

Monday, December 27, 2010

rainy day blues.

christmas wishlist. (after christmas i know, but hey i can still ask right?)
yoga mat.
mac computer.
a home.
a job.
guys to leave me alone. for once.
a victoria secret gift card.
a new surf swim suite.
a pet, maybe a bird? i think i'd like a bird. a love bird.
a surf board.
snorkel set.
a brazilian.
to have more energy.
a hula hoop
a massage.

new years resolutions.
read more.
play more.
relax more.
heal my body.
love myself.
take a panting class.
a belly dance class
a hula class
stress less.
love more.
get up earlier.
go to be earlier.
stop being so stubborn.
enjoy being an adult.
be happy.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

merry warm christmas.

we're sitting around the table making gingerbread houses and the Christmas tree is set up in the living room with lights. the house is decorated. and it's raining hard outside. and i'm still wearing a tank top and it's muggy outside.
Christmas in Kauai.
saturday night i got invited to a christmas work party. free food, and open bar. of course i said yes! and the company was nice. all i could eat sushi, steak and king crab. and raspberry sake. Wonderful evening.
yesterday i went out into the island. a friend took me out to be a "tour guide" . we went to the south beach and went body surfing boogie boarding. the waves threw me around quite a bit, and i got a good toss. it was a good experience. after i tired out we went snorkeling on one of the reefs. i felt like i was in finding nemo! the fish were so bright and colorful and beautiful! i loved it! i can't wait to go again!
this island is magical. i swear. every single place on this island is stunning and beautiful!
white sandy beaches and turquoise clear water.
i also love how everyone is always hanging out with each other. people here are a lot about community and hanging out. it's nice.
I am really enjoying the family i am staying with. they have been so great to me.
a picture of the reef fishes.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

wine and cheese.

last night i went to a wine and cheese party. a girl i met earlier in the week invited me to her house. i drove up north and after getting lost as usual i found a quaint little house. it was set back on this hill slightly over looking the ocean. you could hear the waves and feel the breeze from the balcony. All the guests were sweet and friendly and i made friends right away. something i like about the culture over here that is different than the north west is that when you meet someone new, or when you great someone, you kiss them on their cheek. i like it. it's more friendly and welcoming than a stern handshake. the wine was plentiful and the people were cheery. it was a wonderful evening.
something kinda not the coolest about kauai that i found out last night. you can't just dance any place you go. like restaurants and clubs and such need a permit to allow their customers to dance. which is LAME. but whatever. i haven't had a problem yet.
also something i DO like about this island is that a lot of people have outdoor showers. it's kinda more common to have an out door one, than a indoor one. i love showering outside. it makes sense, especially since it's so warm.
most of the people who live here are so beautiful. sun kissed and bare footed with sweet little island style clothes. swim apparel is a popular style here.
They grow the people pretty on this island.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

random rant about traveling.

so with all my travels and my experiences i've had friends say they are envious, and or jealous of my free spirit or where i am. and you know what? i'm going to be honest about that one.

It pisses me off.

Especially when single people whom have nothing holding them back, no children, no mortgages or anything of the such. I understand the whole student loans thing, but don't let them be a ball and chain around your ankle. You are only young ONCE! get the fuck out of your little bubble and go see the world! it's a beautiful place, we have planes and trains and cars and all the things we haven't in the past. I've heard some folks in the past complain about airplanes and how shitty it is to take a plane flight. and that's just silly, because you can freaking FLY! how amazing and exciting is that!?? it's pretty freaking rad i'd say :-)
just buy the ticket, and have a place to stay the first night, then trust. trust is a key factor in traveling. that things will work out exactly the way they need to. plans are usually pointless when traveling anyways because new adventures always pop up.
i know that the hardest part about traveling is actually getting out and doing it. once you have made that initial jump into the unknown you will most defiantly enjoy the ride to the fullest.
parents i know you don't want to see your children run off into the wild world, but encourage their travels to the fullest. because it helps them get life experience, mature, and find themselves in a much better way then a nine to five job in an office. and you will most likely be so proud of their travels in the end when they come home to you safe and sound.
the main thing that keeps most of you from not traveling is money, but guess what? money is everywhere. it's not as hard as you think to get it. it gets tricky when you are trying to travel and go to school. That's when help is useful. My mother has been helping me with that one. which i'm quite grateful for. thanks momma. love ya!
basically what i'm trying to say is, swallow your fear and go see the world. you're young, alive and free. finish school and go see the world! or if you're not in school...then what are you doing? working a job to pay your rent? are you happy? if not. please do something about it.
thanks for listening to my rants.
aloha and peace. <3

kauai time.

is not like northwest time.
kauai time is Sllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww.
i like it. but i am so not used to it. that past few weeks have been rush rush rush rush.
and now i'm relaxing. and i'm freaking tired.
you know sometimes i think my body goes and goes and goes until i have time to rest. and then i cRaSh hard core. so i'm crashed.
but besides crashing i have done a few things.
yesterday i layed around most of the day not feeling well and then went out to walmart to get windshield wipers for my car.
in the evening after feeling a little better i headed to a girlfriend's place that i met the other night.
she lives on the north shore so i drove up there and found her house after getting slightly lost.
Let me say that one thing that i absolutely LOVE about this island is that my ideas and beliefs are not "different" or "alternative" they are completely normal. i am actually learning a ton about health, nutrition, spirituality and such.
the girls were all open and clear minded and into the things that interest me. it was wonderful. we ate dinner. hula hooped and just enjoyed time with females.
then a friend picked me up and we went out to the bar.
it was a quaint and cute little bar with a open mike. there was some sweet guys singing, playing guitar and drumming. a quite inebriated blonde with legs that could kill a man grabbed my hand and pulled me out onto the dance floor. it was a silly night with friends.
today i finally got my car! returned the rental last night and i felt chained to the house. which i was totally fine with. but eventually i ventured back to the beautiful yard of the mechanic and grabbed my vehicle. i cleaned it up nice and got ready for another sweat.
the sweats are so powerful. i enjoy them so. the night ones are magical, with lights leading to the path winding down the hill to the river. with the lodge across from blazing hot shower. the moon was glistening over head and stars winking down at me. i was wearing a small summer dress and bare feet.
it was a wonderful evening. i am sleepy now. sweet dreams.

Monday, December 13, 2010

hibiscus flower

my favorite are the pink ones. <3

surfing 101.

So this morning i got up and went to get my car windshield fixed. luckily on this island most mechanics and auto workers come to the car instead of having to drive to the mechanics. makes sense right?
my car has been parked at the mechanics house. so i drove over to his place and met the glass guy.
the mechanic's house was outside of town, away from the ocean towards the mountains.
first thing i see is a wonderful array of hibiscus flowers. red ones, pink ones, and yellow ones. The glass house told me that the state flower is in fact a yellow hibiscus flower, not a red one.
he also had a garden full of fresh lettuce along with pineapples, and tangelos(half oranges, half tangerines).
i took pictures with my phone and picked tangelos.
after my car got it's new windshield i ventured to the beach.
i got lessons from a friend on surfing.
let me tell you two things if you have never surfed before.
the waves look small from a distance. but when you are in the water they aren't small at all. the ocean is so powerful.
and most people i've talked to have recommended learning on a long board. i did not use a long board. i could not stay on the board. i was bobbing sideways and flipping forward and backwards. when the water was calm. when the waves came i couldn't even hold onto my board, regardless of even thinking about standing up. i used muscles that i didn't know existed. my whole body worked. ever part, my back, abs, legs, arms and neck.
after like only a half hour!
haha. i climbed out of the water and staggard to the beach, laying my board down and sunbathing. that was wonderful.
i am SO out of shape.
then after some time i went down to the water laying in the wave laps and i looked around. and then it hit me.
I am in Kauai Hawaii, AND I LIVE HERE!
holyshit. i'm soo freaking excited!
I'm so so so so happy here! i love it. i know it's just going to get better!
so yea then i started body surfing, and that was more on my level for the first time i've ever been in the middle of the pacific ocean. the ocean is rough here. i like it!
after surfing I came back and helped tutor the kids. I love working with kids. :-)
peace and love brah.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

cool facts about Kauai

The Islands are the earths most isolated parcels of land. laying 2400 miles from land on either side.

Hawaii  Islands have no native land reptiles or amphibians and only two native mammals, the horay bat and monk seal.  

The Islands of Hawaii were one of the last places on Earth discovered and occupied by humans.

Kauai is geologically the most mature of the main Hawaiian Islands with extensive development of broad, lush erosional valleys and coastal features such as fringing coral/algal reefs and sandy beaches. Spectacular Waimea Canyon, at over 2500 feet deep, is Hawaii's largest erosional valley. Nearly 50% of Kauai's 111 miles of coastline are lined with beautiful beaches, derived mainly from wave erosion of reef producing coral and algae. 

Seventy percent of the island is inaccessible by foot.

Kauai's weather is near perfect year-round with daytime temperatures ranging from the mid 70's to the mid 80's, slightly warmer in the summer.

Contrary to popular belief, it does not rain on Kauai all the time -- except on the peak of Mt. Wai'ale'ale (in the very center and top of the island).

Mt. Wai'ale'ale (3,000 feet high) is the wettest spot on earth, with over 430 inches of rain per year pouring on its peak and creating wonderful waterfalls on the island below.

Hawaii Standard Time is in effect year-round (Daylight Saving Time is not observered). Hawaii Time is 2 hours behind Pacific Standard Time and 5 hours behind Eastern Standard Time. When Daylight Saving Time is in effect on the US mainland, Hawaii Time is 3 hours behind the West Coast and 6 hours behind the East Coast

Some fruits grown on this island include.
passon fruit
also grown here are
and macadamia nuts.

Population of Kauai
largest town is Kapaa  with the population

i bought a car!

So had a wonderful day.
headed up north today to check out a car. nissan sentra, 92, 120k miles. only 700 bucks. i gotta put a new windshield in it though. a avocado fell out of a tree on it and broke the windshield pretty bad. Be careful where you park over here. Lesson of the day.:-)
regardless lady who sold me the car was pretty awesome. we really connected. she knows a lot about nutrition and even gave me a nutrition book :-) we had a great visit and i think i made a friend :-)
(i really like writing smiley faces on my blogs and in general while typing)
so i went to the north shore to buy the car today. i never thought it was possible to be more beautiful than where i am staying. but it is. i should have stopped and taken a picture. the roads are small and curvy. the fastest speed limit on this island is 50 mph. no need to drive any faster. i was going around 35 or so around a corner and the view took my breath away. a large mountain range appeared in the distance. the largest one sitting in the center there were about four or five large water falls draping themselves over the forest landscape on the mountain. it was quite stunning with the fog drifting on the peaks.
it has been quite rainy here. it's rainy in the winter time. but even with the rain i still wore a tank top and short shorts. in the evening when the sun isn't out i usually have to put a light over shirt on and i'm warm.
i love it here. i feel at home everywhere.
after purchasing the vehicle i was heading back to the east side when i got a call from said friend i hung out with the other day. him and his friends were making dinner and i was invited. as soon as i arrived i met this girl whom i think i shall enjoy her company. she is a gluten free, esthetician. :-) just like me. we have a lot in common. we exchanged numbers and hopefully we'll hang out. I'm hanging out with more women then i usually do. i've decided since i am now in a relationship that i need to start building up my women kinship. build a support system of women.I've had issues making girlfriends in the past, and ive always thought there was something wrong with me. in the last year i've decided there is nothing wrong with me. i was just in the wrong group of women.
so i made two girlfriends today. and i've made three girlfriends here where i am staying. i think i'm doing pretty well after only four days.
it's weird to think it's december when i'm wearing shorts all day.
the ocean is so beautiful here. clear blue and white. i love it.
haven't really gone swimming much because of all the rain and because of worrying about finding a car. so now i found one. good now i can relax.
i'm now looking for an organic farm to work on for work trade.
hope that's just as easy as finding the car
aloha. bed is calling.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

day 4.

Last night was crazy! crazy!
while hanging out in the living room the little girls came out of their bedroom complaining about...a...RAT!
so i guess this Island has rats. big ones. i've never dealt with big fat rats before. i thought that mice were bad enough!
so after the guys got out their fishing spears and nets they went after the rat. but i was super fast and got away!
so then we realized that there are brown recluse spiders all over the ceiling. so in the middle of the night we got the vacume out. and vacumed up prob 40 or so spiders! crazy.
as soon as the vacuum went off the rat ran across the kitchen floor right in front of us to get out of the house! we all jumped in surprise! it was crazy!
i then crawled into bed slightly scared of the woods around me and the dark. i can't remember the last time the dark scared me. shenanigans i tell you!

day...hmm the days just blend together :-)

so I think this is day 3. the end anyways. I still haven't found a car yet though.
but i had a nice day. so that's good right?
i kinda just hung out for most of the day. watched a movie. hung out with the kids. gosh i love kids! (don't want one of my own though. not yet.) and then decided i wanted to go out for shabbos dinner. made a few calls and had an place to go. ended up having a wonderful and interesting evening with some cool "brahs". (which kinda means friend)
Gosh i'm excited for my bodywork school! I'm not supposed to call it massage school because it's more then just that. it's technically called The Pacific Center for Bodywork and Massage. basically flipping awesome! google the name and you can learn more about it.
I really should go start studying for that.
i'll put up some more pics.
peace brah.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The home i'm staying in.

Alone, with friends.

This is the end of day two. Two days in Kauai, Hawaii.
This is for my friends and family on the main land whom keep asking how Kauai is. one simple word can explain that. Magical.
But I suppose I should go into detail since you are not here and are not able to see what I see.
The last few weeks have been crazy busy driving all over the west coast. Starting in California to Oregon to Washington back to Oregon and finally driving to Seattle.
I had a little stress out moment the night before the flight because I had to fit all my belongings into suite cases.  Relieving myself of most of my belongings I took a six hour flight out of Seattle Washington. The weather in the Seattle was cold and raining. Dressing for the weather i didn't think of what it would be like when i got off the plane. For some odd reason planes make me sweaty and itchy. Always leaving a film of dirt on my body. As soon as i left the plane a burst of sticky warm air hit my aura. I was tired and clammy and wanted nothing more than a shower and a bed. The rental car lady met me at the airport and thankfully led me to my hotel room. Old and funky with flower bed spreads and a slight offish smell came from the room but i was happy to take a hot shower and sleep. Feeling alone and unaware of my future i fell into a restless slumber. arising early the next morning around 7 am I rearranged my belongings and set out on quest on finding a friend of a friend's house. The weather was perfect. i wore shorts and a tank top and was perfectly content. The sun was shining and the coconut trees swayed in the breeze.
After getting lost and needing detailed directions I found my destination.( I will figure out how to post a picture of the house after i finish the blog. )
Arriving with the best possible hospitality and welcoming. I felt welcomed and like family immediately. With a native style sweat on the menu, i explored the house. Huge and in the most beautiful location. Over looking the opaekaa falls with a river crossing through the jungle like landscape. the large open house is always full of laughing and screaming children running around. families join together to hang out, talk, eat and sweat together.
After a little while my hostess took me out in her car and showed me the town of Lihue. Which has to my surprise, a walmart, cosco and mall. a regular town.
after driving around we headed back to the house and enjoyed a wonderful native style sweat. which for those of you who do not know what that is. it looks like a large bowl upside down. Made of poles, and blankets. They start a fire outside and put lava rocks in the fire to heat up. After the rocks are hot, about ten or so of us crowd together inside surrounding a pit. the hot lava rocks get put into the pit and it heats up inside. Then water is added and it gets steamy and super super hot. it's really nice.
after getting out of the water we dunked into the cold water of the river and sat in the grass. it was wonderful.
I then drank fresh coconut, ate fresh, super yummy papayas. Played with geckos and the children.
after the sweat i got a hold of a guy who was selling a car that was on the north shore. I drove up to look at it and it was a piece of junk. Total Island style. The body was rusted, there were no side mirrors, the back doors had no handles. bad car. I'm really trying to find a car asap.
When i got back i set up a tent, and crashed exhausted. 
in the middle of the night i was woken by, sweat warm rain crashing down on my tent. i quickly threw on the rain flap and went back to sleep. sleeping in till around 11 am.
It was still raining warm rain when i woke and i got ready for the day I headed out to explore with a friend i had met at the airport. Even with the rain we went out to explore. Heading to the west shore we checked out some beaches and went to a surf shop. it was a fun day.
random things i've learned about Kauai.
The native people do NOT like to be called Hawaiians. They are Polynesians. To call a native person a Hawaiian is like calling a black person a nigger. I had not known this before and I think it is a good thing for everyone to know.
This Island does not feel like America. It is legally America, but the people here do not sound like americans.
The locals say brah alot, shoots, and random other sayings. They speak a language called pigen here. I guess there are even phrase books i could buy to learn the language.
There are wild chickens EVERYWHERE. no matter where you are on the island there will be a rooster that is heard at around 4 am. They are on the streets, at the beach, in front of the banks and every place that you can think. there are wild chickens.
i haven't seen them yet but i guess there are also wild pigs. boars i guess and they are mean.
i saw a moth today and it was the size of a bat.
the fruit is exotic and the bugs are weird.
I LOVE IT! i would be no were else on the planet.
I am happy.